The coat! I seem to be having a bit more luck tracking down the patterns that where released in 1951 (the year beforehand) but that's ok! They where the same patterns, just previously brought out. Also some where available in junior sizes.
I'm not fussed, I'm not good enough at sewing to attempt them even if there where my measurements! But they are a hobby within themselves in collecting them until I teach myself up-sizing :)
In other news, I've joined a gym! (insert shock and horror). I've been everyday for the past week, I'm there for an hour at a time (sometimes halfa more) and I am LOVING biking. Not the traditional uncomfortable seating one, there is one that feels as tho you are chilling out while working out. Last night I managed 25kms in just 65mins! Pretty proud of myself!
Talk to me people!!!!!! *begs*