Feb 19, 2012

So very slack and sore

My ribs are in a bad way at the moment, I'm not entirely sure if I wrote about it in my first post (I'm on my phone and feeling too lazy to check) but for the last almost six months I've had terribly painful ribs which did have me bed ridden for the first few months.
I start physio within the next few weeks as my left arm is loosing feeling since I have been avoiding using that side of my body for so long.
As you can imagine my sewing has to be quite limited because of all this.

At least my partner can walk about with his cane now which gives me a bit of a break.

I havnt really done anything craft wise this week apart from cut out a present for a online friend, it's sitting there ready to pin and sew. She's going thru a really tough time with her husband very ill so I'm sending her a care package to brighten her day a wee bit.

On another note, I've somehow lost three black zippers in my house so I've been unable to finish my leopard skirt...


Highlight of my week was looking after my baby nephew. Anyone who knows me, knows how clucky I've always been for my own bubs but due to medical issues this may never happen.

Right well I'm depressive this week so if you are reading let me know what you do to cheer yourself up!

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